Paul Gala

“Solidly produced electronic undercurrents …that is haunting and warming in equal measure”

Paul Gala is one half of the enigmatic and elusive cult band Hunter As a Horse. He built a music studio in the wilderness on a remote farm in the mountainous region of Tuscany, channeling the gods of Italo Disco. His authentic talent has taken him to London, Paris and Berlin where he’s performed, produced and composed for several high profile projects and worked with some highly regarded artists and writers. 

Apart from Hunter As a Horse, what he is perhaps best known for is creating music with an uncanny suitability to film. His music has been used in TV adverts including Mercedes Benz and TV Series like American Horror Story, Damien, Riverdale and Being Human. Paul prefers to remain humble and out of the spotlight favoring the art and obscurity of the music making process and spends his days creating an impressively large and varied amount of music inspired by film and his surroundings…and working in his vegetable garden.

Console Chorus 30sec M 0:30

Console Chorus No Drums 30sec M 0:30

Console Full Track M 3:15

Console intro _ Verse 30sec M 0:30

Inner Space Chorus 30s M 0:30

Inner Space Intro 30s M 0:30

We Are Matter Intro Chorus 30s M 0:29

We Are Matter Intro 30s M 0:30

We Are Matter Full Tracks M 1:32

Falling Up Intro _ Chorus 2 30 sec M New 0:30

Falling Up Intro _ Chorus 2 30 sec M 0:30

Falling Up Intro _ Chorus 1 30 sec M 0:30

Falling Up Full Track M 1:29

Falling Up Chorus 30 sec M 0:30

Deep Fear intro _ Verse 30sec M 0:29

Inner Space Full Track M 2:24

Falling Up Intro 30 sec M 0:30

Deep Fear Full Track M 3:01

Deep Fear Chorus2 30sec M 0:30

Deep Fear Chorus1 30sec M 0:30

Deep Fear intro _ Chorus 30sec M 0:29

We Are Matter Chorus 30s M 0:29

We Are Matter 1min30s M 1:32

Inner Space Verse 30s M 0:30

Inner Space short string intro 15s M 0:15

We Are Matter Intro Verse 30s M 0:30

We Are Matter Verse 30s M 0:29

Console Chorus 30sec M 0:30

Console Chorus No Drums 30sec M 0:30

Console Full Track M 3:15

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